Suggested reading

You may find the following books helpful as you consider your calling.

This is a non-exhaustive list; there are many other good titles available, but this selection should give a useful starting point.

Thinking about vocation…

An Introduction to Christian Ministry, Gordon Kuhrt (London 2000)

How to Find your Vocation, John Adair (Canterbury Press, 2000)

Called or Collared, Francis Dewar (new edition, SPCK, 2000)

This is our Calling, Charles Richardson (SPCK, 2004)

Magdalen Smith, Steel Angels: the Personal Qualities of a Priest, (SPCK 2014)

Graham Tomlin, The Widening Circle: Priesthood as God’s Way of Blessing the World, (SPCK 2014)

Thinking about ordained ministry today…

Ministry in Three Dimensions, Steve Croft (DLT 1999)

Being a Priest Today, R. Brown and C. Cocksworth (Canterbury Press 2002)

Fit to Lead, Chris Edmonson (DLT 2002)

The Curate’s Guide: From Calling to First Parish, John Witcombe (London 2005)

The Life and Work of a Priest, John Pritchard (SPCK 2007)

Growing Leaders: reflections on leadership, Life and Jesus, James Lawrence (CPAS 2004)

Growing Women Leaders: Nurturing Women’s Leadership in the Church, Rosie Ward (CPAS 2008)

Older books, but still very helpful…

I Believe in Preaching, John Stott (Hodder 1982)

The Christian Priesthood Today, Michael Ramsey (SPCK 1987)

Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral Integrity, Eugene Peterson (Eerdemans 1993)

The Road to Daybreak, Henri Nouwen (DLT, 1989)

Freed to Serve, Michael Green (Hodder 1983)

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