Step forward is organised by a team of people who encourage and foster vocations in the north of England.
The Archbishop of York is our keynote speaker.
Well, we could say that all Christians have a calling from God, whether that is entering ordained ministry, or something entirely different! Step Forward is a day when you consider this question with “no strings attached”. Discerning God’s call for your life can be a very long process, and typically the people attending Step Forward will each be at a different stage along this journey.
Please see our stepping forward section for suggested resources which may be helpful to you as you consider your calling.
This is true for a number of people who attend Step Forward. Spending a day like this should help to clarify your thoughts and enable you to articulate your sense of God’s call.
Yes, you can contact a member of the vocations team from your diocese. Contacts details are provided for Durham, Leeds, Sheffield and York on our Contacts & Links page.
If you are from another diocese, your local diocesan website should provide details for your DDO. You can find links to all dioceses in England at
Step forward is specifically for people aged 18-30. If you are outside that age range then your local DDO will be able to suggest other ways of exploring your vocation.